1,531 research outputs found

    Ética de la investigación con seres humanos en el Perú. Una tarea pendiente más.: Ethics of human research in Peru. Yet another pending task.

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    We are currently cruising through a second wave of cases during the pandemics of COVID-19 in Peru. Anonymous heroes leave their houses every day and keep offering their work to support their families and communities. After almost a year of the beginning of this Public Health Crisis, much more is being demanded from health and allied professionals. Important efforts leading to improvements on infrastructure and technical guidance for medical innovations have been forced to move forward and be implemented in unprecedented timelines, but their visibility is hindered by another pending task in the Peruvian Health System related to the Ethics of Human Research.Actualmente estamos atravesando una segunda ola de casos durante las pandemias de COVID-19 en Perú. Ya nos acostumbramos a ver héroes anónimos que salen de sus casas todos los días ofrecer su trabajo para apoyar a sus familias y comunidades. Después de casi un año del inicio de esta Crisis de Salud Pública, se está exigiendo mucho más a los profesionales de la salud y afines. Importantes esfuerzos encaminados a mejorar la infraestructura y la orientación técnica de las innovaciones médicas se han visto obligados a avanzar y ser implementados en plazos sin precedentes, pero su visibilidad se ve obstaculizada por otra tarea pendiente en el Sistema de Salud Peruano relacionada con la Ética de la Investigación con Seres Humanos

    Monitoreo adecuado y comunicación inequívoca, son la mejor estrategia para proteger a las poblaciones afectadas por derrames de petróleo: Proper testing strategies and unambiguous communication is the best strategy to protect oil-spill affected populations

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    Dear Editor,Regarding the unfortunate oil spill occurred last January 15th on our coast, I would like to call the attention of your readership towards the need to formulate a proactive Plan of Action to address Environmental Health concerns and use the best practices to communicate risks for people whose livelihoods are closely intertwined with the affected areas.Estimado editor,Con respecto al lamentable derrame de petróleo ocurrido el pasado 15 de enero en nuestro mar y costa peruana, me gustaría comentar sobre la necesidad de formular un Plan de Acción proactivo para abordar las preocupaciones de Salud Ambiental a largo plazo y utilizar las mejores prácticas para comunicar los riesgos a las personas cuyos medios de subsistencia están estrechamente entrelazados con las áreas afectadas

    Fanny Copeland and the geographical imagination

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    Raised in Scotland, married and divorced in the English south, an adopted Slovene, Fanny Copeland (1872 – 1970) occupied the intersection of a number of complex spatial and temporal conjunctures. A Slavophile, she played a part in the formation of what subsequently became the Kingdom of Yugoslavia that emerged from the First World War. Living in Ljubljana, she facilitated the first ‘foreign visit’ (in 1932) of the newly formed Le Play Society (a precursor of the Institute of British Geographers) and guided its studies of Solčava (a then ‘remote’ Alpine valley system) which, led by Dudley Stamp and commended by Halford Mackinder, were subsequently hailed as a model for regional studies elsewhere. Arrested by the Gestapo and interned in Italy during the Second World War, she eventually returned to a socialist Yugoslavia, a celebrated figure. An accomplished musician, linguist, and mountaineer, she became an authority on (and populist for) the Julian Alps and was instrumental in the establishment of the Triglav National Park. Copeland’s role as participant observer (and protagonist) enriches our understanding of the particularities of her time and place and illuminates some inter-war relationships within G/geography, inside and outside the academy, suggesting their relative autonomy in the production of geographical knowledge

    Determinan Perilaku Inisiasi Menyusui Dini (IMD) pada Ibu Hamil (7-9 Bulan) yang Bersalin di Rskd Ibu dan Anak Siti Fatimah Makassar

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    Praktik Inisisasi Menyusui Dini (IMD) di Indonesia kurang dari 1 jam setelah bayi lahir masih sangat rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui informasi yang didapatkan ibu hamil (7-9 bulan) tentang IMD, ASI dan kolostrum pada saat kunjungan antenatal care (ANC), pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang IMD, ASI dan kolostrum, sikap ibu hamil terhadap IMD, dukungan petugas kesehatan (bidan) terhadap IMD di kamar bersalin, praktik IMD pada ibu bersalin di RSKD Ibu dan Anak Siti Fatimah. Jenis penelitian, yaitu analitik observasional dengan desain cross sectional study. Teknik pengambilan sampel, yaitu purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 26 orang. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi square dan uji phi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada saat ANC semua ibu hamil tidak mendapatkan informasi tentang IMD, ASI, dan kolostrum. Ibu hamil yang memiliki pengetahuan cukup sebanyak 53,8%. Ibu hamil yang memiliki sikap positif terhadap IMD sebanyak 61,5%. Sebanyak 19,2% ibu hamil yang bersalin melaksanakan IMD. Disimpulkan bahwa pengetahuan dan sikap memiliki hubungan yang tidak bermakna (p=0,213 dan p=0,657) dan dukungan petugas kesehatan memiliki hubungan yang bermakna terhadap IMD (p<0,05)

    Undergraduate students' engagement with systems thinking: results of a survey study

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    This paper describes the results obtained for the affective engagement of students with systems thinking. In prior work the authors have developed and validated a questionnaire instrument for measuring affective engagement of undergraduate engineering students with systems thinking. This paper presents results obtained when the questionnaire was used with undergraduate students. Two surveys with different versions of the questionnaire, one using positive grammar questions only and the other using a mix of positive and negative constructs, were used to measure the students’ engagement with systems thinking and its relationship with gender, age and work experience. Each questionnaire version was applied to a different sample, the first, 186 participants, completed the positive grammar version, and, the second group of 163 completed the mixed version. The results show that participants in both studies valued systems thinking in each of the three dimensions of the systems thinking construct. Statistical tests confirmed no significant gender differences in either study. Student engagement with the practical dimension of systems thinking was shown to vary, with statistical significance, with groups of age, years of work experience and country of the university

    Systems thinking in systems engineering

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    Systems thinking (ST) offers a holistic approach rather than a reductionist approach, through appreciating all the interrelated dimensions of complex problems. It is important for understanding and interacting with all kinds of systems, in order to manage complex problems. However, the broad range of the ST‐related literature found in various disciplines, generates a great deal of disagreement about definitions and understanding of systems thinking. Despite the current ambiguities of ST definitions, its underlying philosophy has a long history. This paper aims to clarify what ST is in the modern day and why it is defined in so many different ways. It identifies a number of interpretations of systems thinking with the purpose of clarifying what it is and why it is variously understood. The main aims of this paper is to propose a new ST construct, and to define its role in the practice of Systems Engineering (SE). This paper then draws implications of the new ST construct for SE education

    Characterization of complex photosynthetic pigment profiles in European deciduous tree leaves by sequential extraction and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography

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    Leaf pigments, including chlorophylls and carotenoids, are important biochemical indicators of plant photosynthesis and photoprotection. In this study, we developed, optimized, and validated a sequential extraction and liquid chromatography-diode array detection method allowing for the simultaneous quantification of the main photosynthetic pigments, including chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, β-carotene, lutein, neoxanthin, and the xanthophyll cycle (VAZ), as well as the characterization of plant pigment derivatives. Chromatographic separation was accomplished with the newest generation of core–shell columns revealing numerous pigment derivatives. The sequential extraction allowed for a better recovery of the main pigments (+25 % chlorophyll a, +30 % chlorophyll b, +42 % β-carotene, and 61% xanthophylls), and the characterization of ca. 5.3 times more pigment derivatives (i.e., up to 62 chlorophyll and carotenoid derivatives including isomers) than with a single-step extraction. A broad working range of concentrations (300–2,000 ng.mL1^{−1}) was achieved for most pigments and their derivatives and the limit of detection was as low as a few nanograms per milliliter. The method also showed adequate trueness (RSD &lt; 1%) and intermediate precision (RSD &lt; 5%). The method was developed and validated with spinach leaves and their extracts. The method was successfully performed on leaf pigment extracts of European deciduous tree species. Within a case study using Fagus sylvatica L. leaves, pigment derivatives revealed a high within-individual tree variability throughout the growing season that could not be detected using the main photosynthetic pigments alone, eventually showing that the method allowed for the monitoring of pigment dynamics at unprecedented detail

    Pengaruh Akuntabilitas, Transparansi Dan Fungsi Pemeriksaan Intern Terhadap Kinerja Pemerintah Daerah (Studi Empiris Di Kabupaten Sorong)

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    . In order to achieve a good performance of local governments, it requires accountability, transparency and internal audit functions. If those factors are implemented well, the performance of the local government will be excellent and satisfied. To achieve them, the existences of mechanisms for accountability and good performance management are required. Implementation of the existing rule and legislation relating to the application of the concepts of accountability and transparency in financial management is expected to create a good local government management and beneficial to people. Implementation of accountability and transparency in the financial management area is expected to improve the performance of local government. On the other hand, internal control must be conducted by government auditors in order to increase local government performance. This study aims to examine the influence of accountability, transparency and internal audit functions to regional government performance in Sorong. This is a quantitative research and data were collected by using questionnaires. Samples were taken from 100 respondents. They were from 10 SKPD in Sorong regency government. The data was analyzed by Multiple Linear Regression. Validity and reliability were examined by validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test, and hypothesis testing. The data were processed by using Statical Software Product and Services Solution (SPSS) 20.0 version. The results show that accountability does not influence the performance of local government in Sorong. However, transparency influences the local government performance and internal audit influences the performance of local government

    Komposisi hasil tangkapan jaring insang dasar di perairan Desa Talise Tambun, Kecamatan Likupang Barat (Composition catches of bottom gillnet in Talise Tambun Waters of Likupang Barat District)

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    The bottom gill nets are the most common fishing gear in coastal areas, with different mesh sizes.The catch of bottom gill nets is generally dameral fish with different sizes and species. Scientific information about the difference of catch composition in the 3-inch and 4-inch mesh size of bottom gill nets is still poorly available. It is therefore necessary to study a composition of the catch on two bottom gill net mesh sizes of 3 inches and 4 inches, comparing the composition of the quantity and weight of the catch and identify the species of fish caught.  This research was done in coastal waters of Talise Tambun village, Likupang Barat District of Minahasa Utara Regency for two weeks October 2017; following a descriptive method based on case studies. Two unit bottom gill nets were operated seven trips to data colected; and the data were analyzed by composition species analysis and weight composition.The results showed that the composition of the catch quantity of bottom gill net 3-inch 64 fish and 48 species dominated by Rengginan fish 21.88%, while the catching composition of 4-inch mesh size amounted to 91 fishes and 63 species dominated by Swangi as 14.29% .  The weight catch composition of the 3-inch bottom gill net was dominated by sharks of 25.16% with a weight of 33.386 kg, while the 4-inch bottom gill net catch weights were dominated by snapper as 35.71% with a weight of 101,502 kg.The results of the analysis showed that the 3-inch mesh size of bottom gill net catch composition of both the quantity, the species and the catch weight was better than the 4-inch capture composition.Keywords: Bottom gillnet, weight, composition ABSTRAKJaring insang dasar adalah alat tangkap yang banyak ditemukan diwilayah pesisir, dengan ukuran mata jaring yang berbeda-beda.Hasil tangkapan jaring insang dasar umumnya ikan damersal dengan ukuran dan jenis yang berbeda.Informasi Ilmiahtentang perbedaan komposisi hasil tangkapan pada jaring insang dasar mata 3 inci dan 4 inci masih kurang tersedia.Untuk itu perlu suatu penelitian yang bertujuan mengetahui komposisi hasil tangkapan pada dua ukuran mata jaring insang dasar 3 inci dan 4 inci, membandingkan komposisi jumlah dan bobot hasil tangkapan dan mengidentifikasi jenis ikan yang tertangkap.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di perairanDesa Talise Tambun Kecamatan Likupang Barat Kabupaten Minahasa Utara;  selama 2 minggu, pada bulan Oktober 2017;  dikerjakan dengan mengikuti metode deskriptif yang didasarkan pada studi kasus.Dua unit jaring insang dasar PA Multifilament dengan besar mata masing-masing 3 dan 4 inci dioperasikan selama 7 trip untuk mengumpulkan data; dan data dianalisis dengan analisis komposisi jenis dan komposisi bobot.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi jumlah tangkapan  jaring insang dasar mata 3 inci sebanyak  64 ekor dan 48 jenis yang didominasi oleh ikan Rengginan sebesar 21.88%, sedangkan komposisi tangkapan jaring insang dasar 4 inci berjumlah 91 ekor dan 63 jenis yang didominasi oleh  ikan Swangi sebanyak 14.29 %.  Selanjutnya komposisi bobot tangkapan jaring insang dasar mata 3 inci didominasi oleh ikan Hiu sebesar 25.16 % dengan  bobot 33,386 kg, sedangkan komposisi bobot tangkapan jaring insang dasar mata 4 inci didominasi oleh ikan kakap sebanyak 35.71% dengan bobot 101,502 kg. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa komposisi tangkapan jaring insang dasar mata 3 inci baik jumlah, jenis maupun bobot tangkapan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan komposisi tangkapan jaring insang dasar mata 4 inci.Kata-kata Kunci: Jaring insang dasar, bobot, komposisi

    Plan de negocios de una lavadora de autos livianos al Sur de Quito "rápido y brillosos"

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    The present business plan of "Fast and Gloss" examines the economic feasibility of providing the service of automatic car wash in the southern of Quito as a new and unique service that uses cutting edge technology, high standards of quality and personalized attention. The constant growth of the country's automotive sector, due to the existing credit facilities as to the need for mobility has pointed out that many people make a significant investment to access to this asset, in this regard is very appropiate to offer the service of automatic car wash to help the users preserve their investment.El presente plan de negocios de “Rápido & Brilloso” analiza la viabilidad económica de prestar el servicio de lavado automático de autos en el sur de la ciudad de Quito como un servicio único y novedoso que utiliza tecnología de punta, altos estándares de calidad y atención personalizada. El constante crecimiento del sector automotriz del país, tanto por las facilidades crediticias existentes como por la necesidad de contar con movilidad propia, ha precisado que muchas personas realicen una importante inversión para acceder a dicho bien; en tal sentido, es conveniente ofertar un servicio de lavado automático que ayude a preservar la inversión...